In 2005, my daughter had reached the age on which she needed to go to school.
"Kindergarten" school.
I discussed about this with a few friends and they recommended to send my daughter to "Khor Kai" Kindergarten school. This school was located near my house.
I went with my wife and my daughter to visit this school, and we all liked it. We enrolled my daughter to this school, got a list of the things she needed to bring to school "a small backpack, a sleeping mattress, pencils, paper, etc. and 2 sets of uniforms.
As I had no car at that time, I asked to bring and fetch my daughter with the private schoolbus.
The next Monday, the schoolbus came to pick-up my daughter, a Nissan minivan with a driver and 1 teacher. At 3:40pm, the schoolbus returned with my daughter.
Everything seemed to be fine .......... until end October 2006.
End October 2006, the schoolbus came back with my daughter.
The driver stepped out of the schoolbus and fall down. I tried to help him to get up, thinking that he fall by accident, and a foul smell of alcohol came out of his mouth. He went to the other side of the bus to open the door, holding himself to the bus as he was walking. Opened the slide door to left my daughter out, and went back to the driver seat.
I could not believe what I just witnessed.
The driver was stone drunk, with about 16 children in the schoolbus.
I discussed this with my wife, and I decided to buy a car and drive my daughter to school myself every day. A woman near my house was selling her car, a Suzuki Jimmy Jeep, and I went to look at it.
The next day, we transferred the car, payed the tax and insurance and I had now my own "Schoolbus".
I took the back seat out of the car and installed a folding sofa/bed, modifying the car into a Van style bus.
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